2013 Subscription Rates
UCET Subs are due
now for the 2013 year.
Please help the treasurer by getting your subscriptions in on time and please likewise help the hapless secretary so that BCA insurance cards can be ordered in a timely manner.
Subscriptions are £37 each (£20 club subs and £17 insurance)
*Please note : Insurance for full time students or under 18's is £8 per year and not £17 - please reduce your subscriptions accordingly if you qualify
Discount is available for "family" membership which is £20 (club subs) for the
first person and then £10 (in total) for the remaining family members. Then add £17
each for insurance. To qualify this means you must be a genuine household family.
If your subs are unpaid as the at the date of the AGM (10th Jan 2013) you will not be able to vote or participate in the decision making processes.
.... PLEASE get your subs in on time.
For YOUR convenience, our illustrious web master has set up a UCET paypal account and you can pay using paypal at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Please use your name as your reference when paying)
Thank you
Ian Adams
(The halpless secretary)