I've copied the below paragraphs from
World's End Cave Length 100m+ SJ234477 World's End
A crouching-sized entrance lowers after a few metres to a low wet crawl. This can be pushed by experienced enthusiasts for 36m passing a 3m long low airspace duck and a 1.2m waterfall to a sump. This marks the ultimate limit of ‘dry’ exploration. The sump has been dived and is described as "a comfortable bedding plane 3m wide". Then 11m into the sump , an air-bell is reached , after which the sump becomes lower and wider. 30m into the sump the passage splits. To the right soon becomes too tight, but to the left is a low squeeze beyond which it gets very narrow. At a depth of 3m (53m into the sump), is a constriction and a silt bank, beyond which lies 30m of larger passage which rises above water level. A duck then leads to a 3m high rift and the limit of diving exploration" (Source: Welsh Sump Index, Cave Diving Group 1986).
Several short mine levels can also be found in the same area.
The possibility of other sealed caves nearby was mentioned in 1961: “On approximately the same bedding plane from which flows the World’s End stream, other low cave entrances can be seen in the cliffs on the southern side of the gorge. These all require digging out if they go anywhere at all being fairly well choked with gravel and earth. It was possible to see along one for about ten feet”. Source: “A General Reference to the Caving Areas of North Wales” 1961, Derbyshire Caving Club, Bulletin No.1.
Take the footpath from the ford at World's End upstream. The entrance is to the left of the path and a small stream can be seen flowing within. Several short mine levels also exist nearby.