As we were at a loose end and the people i useually go out with have spent the best part of 2 weeks underground at gaping gill, we decided to spend some time above ground.
Dave had been after abbing malham cove for a couple of years, i had seen it on TV but had never been, so we decided to go and have a look.
Malham Cove is a 260ft rock face in yorkshire just north or Malham.
where we abbed from was about 245ft, and while 245ft doesnt sound that high, it looks a lot higher than i expected it to, long decents look a lot worse in daylight lol.
all was fairly uneventfull appart from the rediculas wind once you get over the edge, the first 20ft was against the wall, then you are free hanging the rest of the way, passing fairly close to another ledge 3/4 of the way down which was full of climbers.
when i got to the bottom, there was a good 50 people stood watching who all clapped and cheared when i touched down, kind of made me feel special, to a took a bow
if you bother tolook at the pics, you may have tolook quite hard tospot the people, they look like dots.