Who am I
They promised they wouldn't incease it, our national insurance or vat
or income tax, or borrowing, and an end to austerity at that
they ignored the black hole, that we could all see, pretending it didn't exist
because they think all voters are stupid, they just need our vote on their list
the others said yes but you're lying, they, said oh no we are not
we've fully costed every penny, unlike you, lying lot
so everyone voted, and we all chose our side
amid wild accusations that each other had lied
now the massive black hole, which was there in plain sight
is a massive surprise that has just come to light
so the status of "worker" is changing, and no extra tax was a "joke"
austerity has a new meaning, and borrowing, well yes but we're broke
and I am just one of the voters, who am I to criticise
when polititians move their mouth, we know their telling lies.