UCET Trip Advisor
Howdy Doody,
Here are the details for our next Thursday night trip;
Location : Ogof Hesp Alyn (OHA)
Meet Place : Cilcain Bridge Car Park
Meet Date : Thursday 14th April 2022
Meet Time : 6:30pm-6:45pm
Requirements : Wellies, overalls, helmet, lamp, gloves, (harness/tails for entry optional), change of clothes, knee pads if you have them.
Link to Parking: www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.1777487,-3.216...3312!8i6656?hl=en-GB
Nearest Postcode : CH7 5NJ
Notes : This cave is the “Big Brother” to Poacher’s Cave. Entrance is by way of a 20 foot electron ladder then you can expect a conglomerate of crawling, goo, water, big boulder chambers, sand passages, climbing (free and assisted) and a spattering of traditional cave passageways.
Suitable for novices with some experience.
You WILL get wet AND you will be covered in cave silt syrup.
If you do fancy coming, please could you let us know by replying here. No worries if you don’t know.
Thanks !
See you soon…..
(On behalf of Richard, the trip organiser)