UCET Trip Advisor
Howdy Doody,
Here are the details for our next Thursday night trip;
Location : Bog Mine
Meet Place : Llanferres Layby
Meet Date : Thursday 28th April 2022
Meet Time : 6:30pm-6:45pm
Requirements : Wellies, overalls, helmet, lamp, gloves, cows tails (Recommended)
Link to Parking: www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.1296671,-3.216...3312!8i6656?hl=en-GB
This is the layby that climbers use for parking for “Pot Hole Quarry”. This is not the location of the mine – we will be meeting here and then we will convoy to the mine entrance around 2 miles further on.
Notes : This is a lead mine and the trip involves a number of ladders. Every ladder is different and has earned the mine the nickname “Ladder Museum”. None of the ladders are free hanging electron ladders and none are especially lengthy. There is water along the bottom adit but this generally does not go over wellie depth. Part of the floor along here is missing and you will need to walk across wooden stemples – there is a hand line to aid the crossing and you can clip on with cow’s tails if you wish.
Suitable for novices with some experience, not suitable for debut cavers.
Here is a link to the forum thread;
If you do fancy coming, please could you let us know posting to the forum here. No worries if you don’t know.
Thanks !
See you soon…..
(On behalf of Richard, the trip organiser)