I thought the issue of "hardcore" and "tourist" had most decidely been sorted already in that the "tourist trip" is essentially dry and the "hardcore" requires a small wet section where you have to go through water sufficient to get you wet and cold up to the neck (and keep you that way) with no other appreciable difference.
Personally, I would rather avoid the "wet bit" as being cold and wet is a total spoiler when it
isn't necessary and I would prefer camera #14 to last a little while longer.
It isn't about being "wussy", it's about avoiding a pointless wet section and having a fun day instead of a miserable one.
I would like to go but would also like;
1) To be able to film (is permission needed?)
2) To keep my bollox dry
3) Not to be shivering and cursing the whole time
4) For my camera to survive
Also ... Crazy & Linda do not have the internet at their new house and they have started caving again .... if anyone is in contact or sees them ... perhaps a mention ?